2021 Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing – small/medium winner

2021 Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing – small/medium winner

2021 Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing – small/medium winner

Cora Systems

‘Wellness in the Workplace’

In this small company the commitment and evidence around a wellbeing culture was authentic and rang true for the judges – very purposeful and focussed. The Cora team was deliberate and intentional in doing something that mattered to staff.

There was a very clear link between wellbeing and the customer impact and HR Manager spoke to all staff individually twice in the year to elicit their views on progress and plans and then aligned this with the senior team. They showed consistent process and operational rythm which ensured all staff understood what was happening.


Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing – small/medium Award sponsored by Healthy Ireland