How to Enter

We have developed a  comprehensive entry pack to help you prepare for your entry. The pack includes: category details, the rules of entry; hints and tips; feedback from the judging process from previous years along with  the application questions. Read through the category definitions carefully and identify which category best applies to your organisation at this time. The category(ies) selected should best reflect the impact of you and your team’s work, along with appropriate supporting evidence.  

You may apply for more than one category, but any entry must not replicate another, and must provide new information specific to that category, i.e., similar or identical information cannot be used to enter multiple categories. You may not be a finalist in more than three categories, and CIPD Ireland will contact entrants to discuss if appropriate. Previous winners may not present their winning entry as a basis for subsequent award entries.  

We strongly encourage entries to reflect the CIPD principles by demonstrating that work matters, people matter and professionalism matters.  

Don’t forget that the Profession Map sits at the core of our profession and our Awards are a way in which you can reinforce our professional values of being evidence-based and outcomes-driven.  

All entries must be made via the submit platform on the awards website. At the end of the submission process, you will be asked to confirm your entry, your acceptance of the rules and permission for CIPD Ireland to use the information and share with the judges. If you do not confirm your entry, it will be deemed ‘incomplete’ and will not be part of the judging process.  

Watch the CIPD HR Awards in Ireland 2025 launch