Aaron Canty, Irish Water
The judges were impressed with Aaron’s strong ability to lead and engage colleagues. His passion for HR, leading multiple projects in only 3 years with Irish Water, making him a great example of a Rising Star.
Since joining the team in Irish Water, Aaron has displayed not only a natural aptitude for the people profession, but has committed himself to increasing his skills and knowledge. He works very closely with a team of HR Business Partners and has established himself as a trusted partner and shown a willingness to get involved in programmes and initiatives that are very complex in nature.
Aaron brings a maturity and level of gravitas that far exceeds his experience and is a well-liked member of the team. He forms positive relationships readily, and has come to be a well-respected and liked by many people across the company.
The judges want to call out Dylan Loughlin of Copacetic Business Solutions for his entrepreneurial behaviour and leadership in a small business.
Rising star of the people profession Award sponsored by National Recruitment Federation