Equality, diversity and inclusion 

Equality, diversity and inclusion 

Equality, diversity and inclusion 

This award recognises organisations that are moving the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda forward and making change happen. Entries will show how they are breaking new ground, overcoming resistance and will be able to demonstrate how this has benefitted employees and the business.

Entrants will address challenges in the workplace, including the importance of inclusion as a foundation for future-focussed ways of working and how they are dealing with the impact on under-represented groups. Entrants should consider how they have achieved fairness and impartiality in relation to reward, flexible working, access to promotion and learning and development.

Entrants will show how they gained leadership commitment, built inclusive policies and practices, challenged inequalities, barriers and biases, and created avenues for employee voice to be heard and harnessed.

Entrants will show how the HR team’s role has been pivotal in driving and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion into the fabric of their organisation and how they have leveraged data and metrics to monitor progress and make data-driven decisions that positively impact the business in a sustainable manner.