Lesley Richards

Lesley Richards

Lesley Richards

Lesley is a people development professional based in Wales with over 30 years’ experience across a wide range of sectors.

Having been involved with the CIPD throughout her career, Lesley took up the role of Head of the CIPD in Wales where her focus was on enhancing the organisation’s presence and growing its voice in Wales. After 10 years, Lesley has very recently handed back the baton and returned to focus on her own business (established in 1996), working with existing and new clients, and extending her offer to include C-suite support and specialist networking.

Highlights of Lesley’s career include managing recruitment for a £80m manufacturing investment, strategic consultancy on the restructuring of a public service organisation, managing the integration and harmonisation of staff during multiple acquisitions, and, of course, having the privilege of leading her own professional membership body in Wales.